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Children and parants

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tirsdag den 14.01.25

Babysvømning 8-12 mdr.

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • Er startet - kl. 12:30 - 13:00 om tirsdagen

Kom til babysvømning få inspiration til vådt samvær og leg, der støtter dit barns sansemotoriske udvikling.Vand stimulerer børns sanser og motorik, og babysvømning er en rigtig god måde at blive fortrolig med vandet på. Vi har fokus på tillidsskab...

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onsdag den 15.01.25

Baby swimming 5-7 months

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • Er startet - kl. 10:00 - 10:30 om onsdagen

Fun and educational baby swimming class taught in English. Join this baby swimming class and get plenty of inspiration for splashing fun and games which enhances your baby's development. Water stimulates children’s senses and motor skills and baby...

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Baby swimming 8-12 months

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • Er startet - kl. 10:30 - 11:00 om onsdagen

Fun and educational baby swimming class taught in English.Join this baby swimming class and get plenty of inspiration for splashing fun and games which enhances your baby's development. Water stimulates children’s senses and motor skills and baby...

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tirsdag den 25.03.25

Baby swimming 5-7 months

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • tirsdag den 25.03.25 kl. 12:00 - 12:30

Fun and educational baby swimming class taught in English. Join this baby swimming class and get plenty of inspiration for splashing fun and games which enhances your baby's development. Water stimulates children’s senses and motor skills and baby...

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Baby swimming 8-12 months

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • tirsdag den 25.03.25 kl. 12:30 - 13:00

Fun and educational baby swimming class taught in English.Join this baby swimming class and get plenty of inspiration for splashing fun and games which enhances your baby's development. Water stimulates children’s senses and motor skills and baby...

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onsdag den 26.03.25

Baby swimming 5-7 months

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • onsdag den 26.03.25 kl. 10:00 - 10:30

Fun and educational baby swimming class taught in English. Join this baby swimming class and get plenty of inspiration for splashing fun and games which enhances your baby's development. Water stimulates children’s senses and motor skills and baby...

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Baby swimming 8-12 months

  • Ledige pladser
  • København V
  • onsdag den 26.03.25 kl. 10:30 - 11:00

Fun and educational baby swimming class taught in English.Join this baby swimming class and get plenty of inspiration for splashing fun and games which enhances your baby's development. Water stimulates children’s senses and motor skills and baby...

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